1.What is global warming?
Temperature is gobsmacked, this implies that the planet will hold this temperature at all, given the temperature disasters occur: The Poles are melting in the heat and with that many animals die, like the polar bear.
2. What is the process involved in the greenhouse efect?
When ultraviolet light rays come into contact with a layer called ozone. This is what stops these ray tubes because we can burn or because the planet does not suffer. But some of these rays get passed and this makes platena sufrexi global warming.
3. What signs warn us about global warmming?
Global warming can be seen with several simple things like temperature rise, hotter summers, melthing at the poles and even managed to create more forest fires.
4. Can you quote another term for global warming?
Climate Change
5. Watch the video and explain this idea: Global warming: panic or reality? We only have one planet and we to destroy this paradise? I do not understand this problem because if we have a planet that we are doing our best to destroy it, I do not like this fact but true so I hope can be solved somehow, and if someone tries to change that you believe me Counts.
6. What can we do to stop global warming?
1-Do not use sprays that pollute
2-We promote renewable energies.
3-Be not contaminate transport such as an electric car, a scooter, bicycle ... That would be very destruction to avoid the ozone layer.
4-Today there are many factories to touch the coast and this was very bad and a very serious error, should be made to a section of Apert from the city and more particularly on the coast.
5-We should recycle more.

This is a polar bear.
This is a diagram of the greenhouse effect.
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